September 22 Update
The Winchester CEE Bill Alliance is working actively to encourage local support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.
In addition to progressing the bill through the Commons, it has now also been tabled in the Lords (a private members bill can take either route. Lord Redesdale has succeeded in getting the bill past a second reading in the Lords which is excellent progress and takes it to the next stage where a Bill Committee will review it line by line.
As part of this new approach, the CEE Bill has been redrafted as the Climate and Ecology or CE Bill Climate & Ecology Bill - Zero Hour.
It still has all the principles we loved so much in the CEE bill but now says more about help for people working in industries adversely affected by de-carbonising the economy, like workers in petrochemicals.
Given the CE Bill incorporates the CEE bill in its entirety the Winchester CEE Bill Alliance (WCA) is planning to transfer the endorsement of CEE bill supporters to the CE Bill. If you do not agree with this action, please contact WCA and we will of course remove your name.
WCA continues to meet monthly and pursue appropriate actions in support of the Bill. If you’d like more information or participation in that process please just ask